Terrain Effects

The Underhive is full of fallen masonry, rubble, cloying pools of industrial waste and all sorts of difficult and occasionally dangerous terrain. Rickety ladders lead up to ancient walkways, pools of effluent make the broken ground even more treacherous than normal and flickering fires disguise potentially lethal conditions in dancing shadow. All of this has an effect on the movement of gangsters who attempt to traverse such features.


The majority of the board will usually be classified as Open Ground. This terrain has no effect upon movement whatsoever and fighters are free to move over, through or accross it as they wish. Other terrain, however, is less forgiving and will cause fighters attempting to traverse it inconvenience and sometimes even injury!
Piles of fallen rubble and masonry, shallow pools of thick slime and other such features are described as being Difficult Ground. Gangsters moving through such features must measure their move and then roll a D6 - if they score less than the distance moved they slip at than many inches into their move and are pinned.

Some terrain is simply so treacherous that moving through it at all is taking your life into your own hands. In game terms, dangerous ground works the same way as difficult ground with the exception that fighters who trip and fall sustain a strength 3 hit.

Models may not run or charge up or down a ladder. Models climbing a ladder without both hands free must pass a Wits test (roll a D6 and score equal to or under your Wits) or fall and models with no free hands cannot climb up or down a ladder at all.

Models running or charging down a staircase must pass a Wits test or fall, rolling to the bottom of the flight they are on, taking damage as for a fall of the vertical distance down.